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Dino Rubnio – Time of Silence ( Releasedate: 05.02.2021)
Nach der erfolgreichen und umfangreichen „Tempo di Chet“-Theatertournee mit Paolo Fresu und Marco Bardoscia wird Dino Rubino am 05. Februar sein fünftes Album mit dem Titel
„Time of Silence“ für TÇ”k Music veröffentlichen.
Das Album enthält 10 Titel, die alle von Rubino komponiert wurden. Rubino spielt auf allen Tracks Klavier, mit Ausnahme des letzten Titels „Settembre“, wo er auch Trompete spielt. Begleitet wird er von Emanuele Cisi am Tenorsaxophon, Paolino Dalla Porta am Kontrabass und Enzo Zirilli am Schlagzeug.
Zeit der Stille ist das neue Kapitel der spirituellen Suche des sizilianischen Musikers, die mit dem Album “Kairos†begann und sich mehr und mehr darauf konzentrierte, dem Wesen der Musik auf den Grund zu gehen, diesmal mit der Stille als Hauptthema. Die Stille, die als notwendige Bedingung für das künstlerische Schaffen gedacht ist, als ein Moment des Versprechens, des Wartens, des Respekts, des Zuhörens, des Gebets, der Konzentration, der Meditation, auch der Entdeckung und der Selbstkonfrontation, nicht unbedingt auf positive Weise, und als die Dimension, die uns während dieser Monate des Lockdowns begleitet hat, mit ihrer surrealen Stille, die unsere Städte, die gewöhnlich voller Chaos sind, zusammenfaltete.
Die Musik von „Time of Silence“ entwickelt sich als Fortsetzung des letzten Albums „Where is the happiness?“, wobei der Akzent auf der Melodie liegt und das Zusammenspiel der vier Instrumente so ist, dass sie mit einer Stimme klingen und sich gemäß einem Gefühl tiefer Heiterkeit und Harmonie bewegen.
Das wunderbare Kunstwerk ist von dem Schweizer Illustrator Stephan Schmitz. Er studierte an der Hochschule für Kunst und Design di Lucerna und lebt heute in Zürich. Schmitz hat mehrere Preise wie den American Illustration Award und den Lurzers Archive best 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide gewonnen, seine Arbeiten wurden bei Elle, The York Times, Science, New Scientist, The Telegraph, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und Radio Times BBC veröffentlicht.
After the successful and extensive  ‘Tempo di Chet’ theatre tour with Paolo Fresu and Marco Bardoscia, on june 19th Dino Rubino will release his fifth album for Tǔk Music, titled ‘Time of Silence’.
The album includes 10 tracks all composed by Rubino, who plays the piano except on the last track “Settembre†where he also plays the trumpet, with long-term collaborators such as Emanuele Cisi on tenor sax, Paolino Dalla Porta on double bass and Enzo Zirilli on drums.
Time of silence is the new chapter of the spiritual search of the Sicilian musician, which started with the album Kairos, and more and more focused on digging into the essence of music, this time with silence as the main theme. Silence which is meant as necessary condition for artistic creation, as a moment of promise, waiting, respect, listening, prayer, concentration, meditation, also discovery and self confrontation, not necessarily in a positive way, and as the dimension which has accompanied us during these months of lockdown, with its surreal silence that folded our cities, usually full of chaos.
The music of ‘Time of Silence’ develops as a continuation of the last album ‘Where is the happiness?’, where the accent is on melody and the interplay between the 4 instruments is such as they sound one voice and they move according to a feeling of deep serenity and harmony
The wonderful artwork is by swiss illustrator Stephan Schmitz. He studied at the  School of art and Design di Lucerna, and now lives in Zurich. Schmitz has won several awards like the American Illustration Award and the  Lurzers Archive best 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide, his works have been published on Elle, The York Times, Science, New Scientist, The Telegraph, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung e Radio Times BBC.
After the successful and extensive  ‘Tempo di Chet’ theatre tour with Paolo Fresu and Marco Bardoscia, on june 19th Dino Rubino will release his fifth album for Tǔk Music, titled ‘Time of Silence’.
The album includes 10 tracks all composed by Rubino, who plays the piano except on the last track “Settembre†where he also plays the trumpet, with long-term collaborators such as Emanuele Cisi on tenor sax, Paolino Dalla Porta on double bass and Enzo Zirilli on drums.
Time of silence is the new chapter of the spiritual search of the Sicilian musician, which started with the album Kairos, and more and more focused on digging into the essence of music, this time with silence as the main theme. Silence which is meant as necessary condition for artistic creation, as a moment of promise, waiting, respect, listening, prayer, concentration, meditation, also discovery and self confrontation, not necessarily in a positive way, and as the dimension which has accompanied us during these months of lockdown, with its surreal silence that folded our cities, usually full of chaos.
The music of ‘Time of Silence’ develops as a continuation of the last album ‘Where is the happiness?’, where the accent is on melody and the interplay between the 4 instruments is such as they sound one voice and they move according to a feeling of deep serenity and harmony
The wonderful artwork is by swiss illustrator Stephan Schmitz. He studied at the  School of art and Design di Lucerna, and now lives in Zurich. Schmitz has won several awards like the American Illustration Award and the  Lurzers Archive best 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide, his works have been published on Elle, The York Times, Science, New Scientist, The Telegraph, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung e Radio Times BBC.