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Bruno Angelini Open Land Quartet – Nearly nothning, almost everything (Releasedate: 28.10.2022)
Bruno Angelini Open Land Quartet
“ Nearly nothning, almost everything“
– Open Land Quartet –
Eine musikalische Reise, inspiriert von minimalistischen Dichtern aus aller Welt.
„Die Poesie begleitet mich schon seit langem. Ich bin immer empfänglicher für minimalistische Poesie: luftig, oft in der Gegenwart verankert, eher anspielend als metaphysisch; ein Spiegel, der auf unser tägliches Leben und die uns umgebende Natur gerichtet ist, um uns ihre Schönheit bewusst zu machen. Diese Gedichte laden mich auch dazu ein, meine innere Welt zu kultivieren, anstatt das heimliche Glück im Konsum oder in der Gestik zu suchen. Ich glaube, dass sie auch mit meinen bürgerlichen Gedanken übereinstimmen: die Natur zu genießen und zu pflegen, unsere Bedürfnisse zu überdenken und uns auf einen Prozess des Wachstumsverzichts einzulassen, um die Erde zu bewahren und gerecht mit den Bedürftigsten zu teilen.
Aus all diesen Gründen habe ich beschlossen, mein nächstes musikalisches Werk Dichtern aus aller Welt zu widmen, wie Ada Mondès, William Carlos Williams, Chandak Chattarji, Lydia Vadkerti-Gavornikova, Jacob Nibénegesabe.
Meine Kompositionen lassen sich nicht unbedingt dem ‚musikalischen Minimalismus‘ zuordnen, außer dass ich Raum und Stille mag, gerne auf Klangfarben und Resonanzen höre und manchmal raffinierte Melodien schreibe. Sie orientieren sich hauptsächlich an einer harmonischen Sprache, die von der zeitgenössischen Musik abgeleitet ist, manchmal in Verbindung mit Rubato-Bewegungen, manchmal mit komplexeren rhythmischen Signaturen, wobei ich die Mischung verschiedener Geschwindigkeiten bevorzuge, die von den Mitgliedern des Orchesters gleichzeitig gespielt werden. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sich die Musik, die ich schreibe, seit Jahren ständig verändert und weiterentwickelt, in Richtungen, die ich nicht vorhersehen konnte.
Das Quartett, das ich 2014 mit Claude Tchamitchian, Régis Huby und Edward Perraud gegründet habe, begleitet diese Entwicklungen, als ob dieses Quartett die ideale Erweiterung des Ausdrucks meiner künstlerischen Intimität wäre. Deshalb rufe ich sie für ein drittes Werk auf, damit sie in dieses Projekt investieren, dessen Thema ihrer Sensibilität und ihrem bürgerschaftlichen Engagement sehr nahesteht.“  (Bruno Angelini)
Alle Kompositionen wurden frei von diesen Gedichten inspiriert:
– „Errances“ von Ada Mondès * Track (Soul wanderings / wild wanderings)
– „Poèmes de l’os magique“ von Jacob Nibénegenesabe * Track (Peaceful Warrior)
– „Maintenant“ von Chandak Chattarji * Titel (Present time)
– „Paterson“ von William Carlos Williams * Track (Paterson part. 1, 2 und 3)
– „La naissance du jour“ von Lydia Vadkerti-Gavornikovà * Track (at dawn)
- Soul wanderings
- Peaceful warrior
- Present time
- Part 1
- Part2
- Part3
- Wild wanderings
- At dawn
Bruno Angelini – Piano, compositions
Régis Huby – Violins, electronics
Claude Tchamitchian – Double bass
Edward Perraud – Drums, percussions
Recorded, mixed and mastered, Studios La Buissonne, Pernes-les-Fontaines, France
Recorded June 7,8,9 2021 and mixed May 2022 by Gérard de Haro assisted by Matteo Fontaine
Mastered at La Buissonne Mastering Studio by Nicolas Baillard
Steinway Grand piano prepared and tuned by « The great » Sylvain Charles
Produced by Gérard de Haro and RJAL for La Buissonne label & by Solange[:en]
Bruno Angelini Open Land Quartet
“ Nearly nothning, almost everything“
– Open Land Quartet –
A musical journey inspired by minimalist poets from around the world.
“ Poetry has been with me for a long time. I am more and more sensitive to minimalist poetry : airy, often anchored in the present, rather allusive than metaphysical ; a mirror directed towards our daily life, as well as towards the nature which surrounds us, in order to help us become aware of their beauty.
These poems also invite me to cultivate my inner world, rather than seeking furtive happiness through consumption, or gesticulation. By extrapolation, I feel they are also aligned with my civic thoughts : savoring, caring for nature ; rethinking our needs and engaging in a process of degrowth, in order to preserve the earth and share equitably with those in most need.
It is for all these reasons that I have decided to dedicate my next musical creation to poets from all over the world such as Ada Mondès, William Carlos Williams, Chandak Chattarji, Lydia Vadkerti-Gavornikova, Jacob Nibénegesabe.
My compositions will not fit necessarily into ‘musical minimalism’, except that I like space, silences, favor listening to timbres and resonances, writing sometimes refined melodies. They will be mainly oriented towards a harmonic language derived from contemporary music, sometimes associated with rubato movements, sometimes with more complex rhythmic signatures, favoring the mixture of different speeds, played simultaneously by the members of the orchestra.
I feel like the music I write has been constantly changing and evolving for years, in directions I couldn’t have anticipated ; topics that affect me as well. The orchestra that I formed in 2014 with Claude Tchamitchian, Régis Huby, Edward Perraud, accompanies these developments as if this quartet were the ideal extension of the expression of my artistic intimacy. Therefore I am calling on them for a third opus so that they invest in this project, the subject of which is very close to their sensitivity as well as their commitments as citizens.“ (Bruno Angelini)
This project is really part of the continuation of the two previous albums of this quartet, released under the same Label, both in its quality of writing and in the interpretation. Time and space stretch to give the necessary weight to each note, each pulsation. The silences are rich, nourished and thought. A music so powerful and so refined at the same time makes this music an exception.
All the compositions had been freely inspired by these poetries :
– „Errances“ from Ada Mondès * tracks Soul wanderings and Wild wanderings
– „Poèmes de l’os magique“ from Jacob Nibénegenesabe * track Peaceful Warrior
– „Maintenant“ from Chandak Chattarji * track Present time
– „Paterson“ from William Carlos Williams * track Paterson part. 1, 2 and 3
– „La naissance du jour“ from Lydia Vadkerti-Gavornikovà * track At dawn me as well.
The orchestra that I formed in 2014 with Claude Tchamitchian, Régis Huby, Edward Perraud, accompanies these developments as if this quartet were the ideal extension of the expression of my artistic intimacy. Therefore I am calling on them for a third opus so that they invest in this project, the subject of which is very close to their sensitivity as well as their commitments as citizens.“ (Bruno Angelini)
This project is really part of the continuation of the two previous albums of this quartet, released under the same Label, both in its quality of writing and in the interpretation. Time and space stretch to give the necessary weight to each note, each pulsation. The silences are rich, nourished and thought. A music so powerful and so refined at the same time makes this music an exception.
Bruno Angelini – Piano, compositions
Régis Huby – Violins, electronics
Claude Tchamitchian – Double bass
Edward Perraud – Drums, percussions
Recorded, mixed and mastered, Studios La Buissonne, Pernes-les-Fontaines, France
Recorded June 7,8,9 2021 and mixed May 2022 by Gérard de Haro assisted by Matteo Fontaine
Mastered at La Buissonne Mastering Studio by Nicolas Baillard
Steinway Grand piano prepared and tuned by « The great » Sylvain Charles
Produced by Gérard de Haro and RJAL for La Buissonne label & by Solange