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Raising all employees pay to $12
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In case you missed it: France elected a new president on Sunday. Beret clad voters dodged the Trumpish Marine Le Pen and elected Emmanuel Macron, the youngest ever French prez, probably because France doesn’t have an electoral college to eff it all up. And while Macron might not be as nationalistic as Le Pen, his name is very close to that of the most delicious little French cookie, which is quite patriotic.
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Sat, May 21 onlyBrass BandsGuardian Concert Band: at Bleasdale Tower Gardens Open Day. Raising funds for the local school, church and village hall. 4. Are people using their brains, or are they just so thoughtless that they willing to risk the life of the animal in their care? People, there is no quick in and out at the doctor office. Same with the grocery store and all the other places where you willing to let your animals suffer in a hot vehicle because you may want them to go for a drive with you. Leave them at home! I rather they be upset with me for not getting to go with, than to take a chance with their lives..
Sip on refreshing Mint Juleps and feast on Louisville’s favorite chow hot browns and Derby pies. Prizes for the best hat.Yardbird Southern Table BarBreak out the crazy hats because Yardbird is giving out prizes for your finest chapeau. Watch the race while you sip on a Big Ass Mint Julep ($15) or a Makers 46 on the rocks ($10).Watch Wicked Strong, Uncle Sigh, and California Chrome check out Churchill Downs here:Miami’s Best Eats and Drinks This Week: New Impero Burger, Fresh Market Opening, and a 20,000 Square Foot Bowling Alley.
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