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Bishop Thomas, Pastor Kathie, elders, pastoral staff,
Mother in law and father in law Joanne and Chuck treasured their bond with Heather and the closeness that grew after her parents passed away. Special memories with sisters in law Alyson (Scott) Mitchell and Rachael (LCDR Sam) Higginbotham include helping her dress for her wedding.Heather also enjoyed the warm kindness of uncle and aunt, the honorable Judge Jacob, retired, and Janice Fridline; and cousins Mark (Sarah) Fridline and children and Susan (Jimmy) Forbes and their children. Heather will be dearly missed by Austin, Sammy, Kaylyn, Gavin, Chrissy, Elijah, Levi, and Charlie.Preceding her in death were her parents, Maynard Dean and Deborah Hoops.Bishop Thomas, Pastor Kathie, elders, pastoral staff, leadership and the entire Victory Christian family hold the Hynek family in highest regard and will cherish Heather always..
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